Ran Segall – Webflow Masterclass


 Ran Segall – Webflow Masterclass

Ran Segall – Webflow Masterclass
Original Price: $695
Author: Ran Segall
Sale Page : https://www.thewebflowmasterclass.com

How To Go FromPixel Perfect Design
to Pixel Perfect Websitein hours — Not Weeks
You don’t need a developer, or to learn how to write code yourself. All you need to do is start using Webflow correctly, and you’ll discover yourself earning more with less stress.
You probably know this story –
You have an amazing vision for your website, everything looks pixel perfect on your mockup, and then you send it off to development.
And then, the next few weeks are QA hell.
You need to explain to the developer how you want your animations and interactions to look; how you want the website to appear on mobile devices; and why it’s important that the result is pixel perfect.
But not only do you have to waste countless hours making sure the developers are executing your design correctly, they’re actually getting paid for butchering your design.
This used to be my life, and honestly – I hated it. So I started trying to bring my own designs to life so I could free myself of painful developers, but still develop pixel perfect websites to my clients.
I tried every possible website builder on the market, but they were all limited to ready made components and templates. This meant I couldn’t bring my designs as I envisioned them to life.
It left me frustrated, and feeling stuck. I could design beautiful websites, but I couldn’t have them brought to life.
But then everything changed.
The Discovery In 2014 That Changed My Life —And My Career
4 Years ago I discovered Webflow.
Webflow is a tool that help you “code” your websites like any pro developer would…
But without writing ANY code.
This means you can literally do anything! Achieve any layout, interaction or customisation.
When I discovered Webflow and gave it a try, my first reaction was to write an emails to my colleagues saying: “OMG. I just built the website we’ve been working on for a week in less than an hour”.
(And that’s not to mention the money I saved on developers… or the stress I suddenly found myself without).
And now, 4 years later, I can easily say that Webflow changed my life.
With it, I transformed my design career.
I went from earning just $35,000 per year working 12 hours per day…
To now earning over $300,000 while actually ENJOYING the process of designing, building and delivering websites to my clients.
The Webflow Difference
Because Webflow is not just a silly drag-n-drop tool, but actually a powerful development platform, it took me months to master and be able to build amazing websites in hours.
It does have some learning curve, because you need to learn how to THINK like a developer and use a proper process to turn your Sketch/XD designs to functional websites.
I’ve been so passionate about Webflow since I discovered it and tried to get every designer I know to use it, but most of them needed some help getting started and mastering it completely – which is why I’ve created this masterclass.
The Webflow masterclass will allow you to come with me, and follow my process step by step, shortcut your learning so you too can create amazing websites, charge thousands of Dollars for them, and get them done in hours (to the praise of your clients) .
What you will learn in the masterclass
How to convert your Sketch / Adobe XD designs to fully functional responsive websites.
How to create complex layouts & interactions.
How to sell Webflow websites to your clients (and explain the benefits over WordPress).
The EXACT steps I took to finish a website in 3 hours and make $1k per hour.
How to handoff your websites to your clients in a way that makes them LOVE and THANK you.
How to create multilingual websites.
How to use any font you’d like on your website.
How to add awesome effects to your website with custom JS code you find on the web.
How to set up an amazing CMS (content management system) your clients would LOVE.
How to manage SEO on your websites.
What you get in the package
Everything necessary to allow you to build custom design websites independently & profitably
Module 1
Getting Started With Webflow
How to get started, even if you have no experience with Webflow, HTML/CSS or designing for the web.
Module 2
Structuring & Styling Principles
Learn the way I think about building and styling in Webflow to make my process super efficient (hint – it’s not a standard BEM system)
Module 3
Process Examples
See how I work step by step, with real client work examples.
Module 4
Content Management System – CMS
How to work with Webflow’s powerful CMS (and work around current limitations)
Module 5
Finalising & Delivering Websites
Everything you need to do after the website is built to make sure your clients are happy, and the website is live.
Module 6
Selling Webflow to clients
How to understand you client’s concerns and explain the benefits of working with Webflow.
Module 7
Advanced Interactions
How to create a WOW effect to your website, without a sweat: scroll effects, popups and more.
Module 8
Advanced Webflow Usecases
How to extend Webflow beyond the normal use cases: adding code, prototyping products and building multi-language websites.

Ran Segall – Webflow Masterclass: Video, PDF´s
Download from Mega

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